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Wingman ST System Release Alpha 5

Wingman System Version 0.5.0
Date: May 30th, 2015

Download Links

The binaries below are for Home Use

Component Version Updated Link
Page Link
Wingman Framework HomeUse Edition
Download zip Download tar.gz
Wingman OSS
Download zip Download tar.gz
Wingman Demos
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ClamShell Compiler
Download Page


Release Notes


  • 0000085: Unknown Code clean up for Alpha 5 Release (jkiss) - resolved.
  • 0000083: Documents Header file cleanup for doxygen (jkiss) - resolved.
  • 0000086: GUI XPTextFieldWidget does not take change event (jkiss) - resolved.
  • 0000079: Messages Update Plugin IPC API (jkiss) - resolved.
  • 0000002: GUI XPCheckbox widget text displayed on top (jkiss) - resolved.
  • 0000012: GUI NPF - Complete XPLM TextField properties (jkiss) - resolved.
  • 0000051: System NPF - Hot Keys (jkiss) - resolved.
  • Lots of other code clean up and misc bug fixes.


  • Linux builds untested


Registered Features


Feature HomeUse Registered

Registered version of Wingman-ST can be purchased. For more info send us an email.

End User License Agreement

Let me start by saying I want you to develop plugins for XPlane, please do so if you can. I really believe that by providing Wingman-ST you and I are going to help make XPlane more awesome then it already is. This is my goal, this is why I made Wingman.

Most EULA's sound more difficult then they really are, just a lot of lawyer mumbo jumbo that is hard to understand, so below I've provided a translation that most people can understand.

The HomeUse version you can download linked to this Release Note allows you to:

  • Distribute your plugins as long as they are free, meaning you are not charging for it.
  • Keep your source code closed.

Basically: If you are distributing your plugin for free, I don't give a care what you do but I'm not responsible for anything you break, mame or blow up.

What is not allowed with the HomeUse version:

  • Charge money
  • Used for a commerical purposes.

So, if you want to charge money for your plugin then please purchase the registered version. If a third party is using your plugin that is made from the HomeUse version in a commerical setting then they need to purchase a registered license and you don't need to recompile with the registered version. It doesn't cost that much and all purchases help keep Wingman a float.

Now if you want an excuse to gouge out your eyes or be bored click here to read the EULA